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Thank You to Our Supporters


GOLD Annual

Support Partners

Alpine Mountain Ranch & Club

City of Steamboat Springs

Deer Park Road 

Native Excavating, Inc.

UChealth Yampa Valley Medical Center


Steamboat Radio

Steamboat Ski and Resort Corp.

Steamboat Sotheby's International Realty

Yampa Valley Bank


Support Partners

Christy Sports

Colorado Event Rentals

Honey Stinger, EN-R-G Foods LLC

Nordic Excavating, Inc. 

Resort Group

Steamboat Orthopaedic & Spine Institute

Truffle Pig and Carl's Tavern


Support Partners


Ace's High Services - Royal Flush Industries

BAP/Big Agnes

Alissa and Jeff Merage


Larry and Maggie Glueck

John Fetcher Honorary
Sustaining Member Award

Contributions $50,000 and Above


Kris and Bill Bensler 

Lennox Foundation 

The Snow Star Fund 

VF Corporation

Contributions $25,000-$49,999

Janet and Tim Borden

Bonnie and Ed Calhoun 

Debbie and David Dacus 

The Shadek Family Foundation 

Contributions $10,000-$24,999

Yampa Valley Community Foundation 

Cathy and Wayne Berry 

Sara Bishop

Leagh and Jim Boyne 

Civil Design Consultants, Inc. 

Fidelity Charitable - Anonymous

Gerber Berend Design Build, Inc. 

Carrie and John Hayden

Terry Huffington

Roberta and Andrew Inglis 

JAMA Foundation

Lisa and Larry Jaynes

Gail Jensen 

June and Ed MacArthur 

Tamara Miller

John C Oliver II Trust

Nikole and Aaron Roth

Karen and Steve Speer 

Steamboat Mountain School

T2 Foundation 

Fifth Generation, Inc. DBA Tito's Handmade Vodka

Contributions $5,000- $9,999

Leslie and Bruce Allbright

Christa and Adam Brady 

Colgan Foundation

Sarah and Will Crump

Downtown Conoco, Inc.

Bob Furman

James H Grew Jr.

Ken Grubbs 

Jenna and Aaron Guggisberg

Ryan Heckman 

Cynthia and Paul Hill

Kroger, a.k.a. City Market

Karin and Scott Lee

BeBe Lloyd 

Macnab Fund of the YVCF

Merage Family Fund of the YVCF

Susan and Peter Neidecker

Danielle and Sanders Nye 

Katie and Rick Riemenschneider

Lisa and Andreas Sauerbrey 

Emily and Tony Seaver

Sarah and Ron Simon 

Noreen and Paul Slivon 

Danielle and Doug Thomas 

Pam Vanatta

Mary and Curt Weiss

Alpine Bank

Contributions $1,000- $4,999

The Albrecht Family

Allterrain Excavating, Inc.

Allworth Financial, LP

David Anderson 

Jennifer Appelman

Carol and Russell Atha 

David Baldinger Jr.

YVCF - Bill Michalek Scholarship

Paul Berge 

Margaret Berglund

Steve and Kelly Bloom Family Foundation

Brian Boone 

Mary and Jay Bowman 

Brooklynn's Pizzeria 

Terry Brown 

Jay Carson 

Gloria and Donald Casey 

Diana and Stacy Childs

Carol and Jon Clark 

Tania and Chuck Coffey

Nat Cooper 

Connie and Randy Dean

Camille and Matt DeMarco

Jenn DeRose and Mike Elvidge 

Eileen and Chris Diamond

Joanne and Stephen Downes 

Tom Duvall

Michael Dyer

Sally and Ross Dyer

Gail and Don Eden

Barbara and George Eidsness 

David Fields

Elizabeth and John Fitzpatrick 

AJ Fleming 

Glas Defffryn Ranch

The Godley Family

Janet Goldsmith 

Nancy and Jeff Good 

Lulu Gould and Stu Roberts

Ron Gustafson

Margaret and Michael Hackworthy 

GBH Foundation 

Luanne Hazelrigg 

Kathy and Brad Hoefer 

Arie Hoogendoorn

Lissa and Jeff Hostetler

Angela and John Hovey

Andree and Peter Hudson 

Rachel and Justin Jacobson 

Larry Jacobson

Helen and Are Johnsen 

Christian Keller

Olivia and Denny Kimmeth 

Mary and Peter Kurtz

David Lamb

Sally and Clyde Lane 

Susan and James Larson

Linda and Henry Laughlin 

Jamie Letson

Linda and Will Lewis 

Mackenzie and Les Liman

Kate and Bruce Logan 

Andria and John Lopez

John Maas

Kerrie and Don Malone 

Kathi Meyer and Jim Peterson 

Scott Minnig

Eleanor and Richard Morgan 

Mountain Valley Bank

Theresa and Walt Oleski 

Heather and Ryan Overstake 

Kristen and Gregg Pappas 

Pediatrics of Steamboat Springs 


Wendy and Chris Puckett 

PV Alpine Ski Racing Camps

Ellen and Rob Race

Sherry and Randall Reed 

The Richeda Family

Dara and Justin Ricketts

Gwen Rogers

Kathryn and Jon Schafer

Robin Schepper and Eric Washburn

Waukesha County Community Foundation/Wildcat Fund

Nancy and Gary Scholten

Melinda and Jon Sherman 

Ski Haus

Danielle and Mike Skov 

Erica and Gavin Sollberger 

Steamboat Concrete Works 

Steamboat Ski and Bike Kare Inc. 

Karen and Michael Stern

Kimberly and Peter Stravinski

Adrienne and Ben Stroock 

Tatar Family Foundation

Amy Thatcher 


Rod Titcomb

Dr. Susan Watson

Elizabeth and Fred Weiner

Josh Welch 

Mark Whitcomb

Pam and Steve Williams 

Jackie and Frank Williams

Mimi and Mark Witcher

Barbara and Amy Witherite 

Karen and Brian Wray 

Denise Wynne 

Lindsey and Steve Zarlengo 

Contributions $500- $999

Ace Hardware, Inc

Alpine Lumber Company

AMM Consulting Inc.


William Bolt, Jr.

Nancy and Charles Brabec

Sarah and Christopher Bradford

Barbara and Jim Bronner Fund - YVCF

Amy and Greg Burkholder 

Calcon Constructors, Inc.

Ellen Campbell 

Marianne and Jimmy Capra

Central Electric

Noel S. Christopher

Vivian and Robert Curry

Cherie and John Duty

Kathleen Eisenmann

Carla and Mark Erland 

Debbie and Ted Evans 

Denise and Sean Faherty

The Fleming Six

Susan and William Friesell

Mona and Jonathan Gibson 

Shannon and Jason Grosdidier 

Danielle and Brian Heit

Natalie Hurtig and Stephen Dearholt

Jenna and Christian Keller

Karen Kirby and John Nolan 

Toby Leeson 

Letson Enterprises, Inc.

Richard Mandell

Wendy and Chris McLaughlin

Carole and George Mennen

Sidney Moon 

Sandra Mostaccio Sweeney

Patricia and William Murray

Amy Cook-Olson and Jeffery Olson 

The Orton Family

Christina Peters and Andy Volk

Barbara and Bill Philips 

Carrie and Phil Rawlins 

Gay Roane

Robison-Bouquet Fund - YVCF

Kristen and Robert Rock

Annie and Paul Sachs

Elizabeth and Richard Schaab 

Judy and Thomas Schwall 

Steamboat Specialties Inc. 

Margaret Sterlin 

Laura and Chris Tamucci

Elizabeth Taylor

Ken Tirone

Angela and Jamie Vanoveren

Summer and Nathan Walker 

Amy and PJ Wharton 

Maggie and Larry have had a dedicated involvement with the SSWSC that has lasted over 30 years. It began when they signed up their six-year-old son, Alex, in the jumping program in the late 1980's. Like so many parents, their volunteering began with entry level events and then continued to higher level positions. Over the years they have served the club in grant writing, judging, officiating, chairing the RMD officials, serving on the RMD jumping/nordic combined Discipline Committee as well as serving on the RMD board for many years and making financial donations to both the SSWSC and the RMD. In addition, one or both of them have been involved in every major jumping/nordic combined event over the last 25+ years, often serving as Chief of Competition. Most noteworthy is that their volunteerism has continued long after their son had graduated high school and finished his nordic combined career with the SSWSC.

Contributions $100- $499

Ana Acosta

Whitney and Nick Agopian

Dennis Aguiar 

Jen and Ken Ali


Kellie and Peter Arpin 

Sharon and Bill Artist

Kim and Ross Avina

Beauregard Family

Kathryn Blair

Katherine and James Boyle

David Bradt

Brantley Nyblade family

Chresta and Paul Brinkman

Connie and Ronald Brinkman

Susan Capriola

Jennifer and David Clements 

Joan and Robert Conroy

Cook Chevrolet

Robin and Barry Crossan

Linda and Richard Danter 

Sue and Ron Davies

Nicole and Kevin Perkins

Joseph DeFeo

Julie Dinkens and Todd Conley

Keely Drever

Pamela Duckworth

Liz and Scott Engelman 

Monica Fenton 

Bridget and Paul Ferguson

Barbara and James Ficke

Dana and Mark Fitzgerald 

Millie and Gardner Flanigan

Sam Flournoy 

Suzanne and Dan Foley

Libby Foster and Bill Gamber

Dolores Gall 

Gail Garey and Alan Keeffe 

David Gerhart

Kristen and Jason Gilligan 

Ali and Todd Givnish

Dan Grimm

Jennifer and Scott Grosjean

Heidi and Frankie Hannah

Cindy Hayek and Steve Herron

Megan Harvey and Thomas Bragg

Jennifer and Thomas Henninger 

Barbara Heuberger 

Scott Johnson

Amy and Jordan Jones 

Robert Kearful

Julie and Kent Kirkpatrick

Judy and Jim Kline

Lana and Dough Klingemann

Susan and Ronald Krall

Glenn Lamoree

Marlowe and Newel Linford

Janine Lodico

Jason Loeb

Ashley Lowe

Bradley A. Luth

Annette Lynch

Emily and John MacEntee

Cristina and Walter Magill 

Mary and Thomas Malia 

Jennifer and Ross McLaren 

Dennis Melland

Dave Merlina 

Roxie J and Richard E Miles

Maggie and Robert Mitchell 

Stephanie and Kevin Monahan 

Melissa and Joseph Monchelli

Allison and Michael Montgomery

Gillian and Michael Morris

Mountain View Carwash

Holly and Gary Nelson

Lynn and Matt Newman 

Next Ventures DBA Aurum Food & Wine

Darlene and Jon Nolting

Libby and Mark ONeill

Stephanie and Chris OReilly 

Brittney Pare and Scotty Stoughton

Anabella Paris and Carlos Izquierdo

Karen and Charles Parsons

Kelly and David Pierce 

Siobhan Pritchard

Molly and Louis Raphael

John H.  Rostenberg 

Nadia Samadani and Omar Kathwari 

Laura and Kevin Sankey

Tosia and Bill Sauter

Lesley and Thomas Schuldt

Laura Sehnert and AJ Flemming

Carol and Steve Sehnert

Tom Sharp

Skull Creek Greek 

Mette and Dough Smith

Donita Soucek

Deborah and Ryan Spaustat 

Steamboat Pilates and Fitness 

Carl Steidtmann

Lesley and Zach Stein

Hailey and Dave Stewart 

Laura Stout 

Sustainable Building Solutions, Inc.

Viktoria Szlabonyi and Michael Broggi

Pat and Scott Thomas

Lana and Joe Turner

Yvonne and Christian Van Kirk

Teresa and Don Van Orden

Allison Von Maur and Mark Newcomb

Melissa and Curtis Walzak

Julianne and Carl Warnke

Carol and Lindsay Wert

Meghan and Philip Wilson

Noel Wilson

Katherine and Ryan Wither 

Sarah Wither

Robyn and David Yowell 

Tom Zehner


In Memory of Bill Beauregard 

   Barbara and Steven Aaker

In Memory of Tom Cannon

   Anne E. Cannon

In Memory of  Dave DeHaven 

  Jean and Ken DeHaven

In Memory of John Mass

  Alterra Mountain Company

  Robin and Barry Crossan

  Eileen and Chris Diamond

  Viergever Easton Family

In Memory of Jack Perkins

  Sharon and Bill Artist

  Ruth Bartlett

  Paul Berge

  Margaret Berglund

  Audrey and Robert Enever

  Verna and Gene Newlon

David Baldinger, Jr.

Kristine and Bill Bensler

Maren Berge

Paul Berge

Tania and Chuck Coffey

Glas Deffryn Ranch

David Lamb

Becky and Larry Lamb

June and Ed MacArthur

Bere Neas

Ron Normann

Sunny Owens

Marit and Jack Perkins

Chris Puckett

Scott Rotermund

The Schepper-Washburn Family

Jeff Temple


Mark Satkiewicz Memorial Fund

305 Spin

The Adams Family

David Adams

Constanze Bahr

Julie and John Balkema

Michael Benedetti


LeeAnn and Ken Benesh

Robert Benesh

Francesca and Jim Benkoczy

Lynn and Joe Bero

Tricia Besett-Alesch

Betsy and Joe Birkinbine

Nancy and Luke Boland Fidelity Fund

Jason Braunstein

Kelly Breffle

Curtis Brewer

Brianna, Harrison, Kelly and Larry Brodeur

Mark Bryden

Susse Budde

Basil and Erica Bullard

Robert Burbury

Gary Burris

Chamois Butt'r

Jessica Christopher

Julie Tellez Cleveland

Tania and Chuck Coffey

Shay Collier

Scott Crabill

Bernice and Fred Culbertson

Wendy and Chis Culp Team Chamois Butt’r

Tammy Damato

Cate Deiter

Len DeMoss

Sue DeVeirman Vani

David Dillman

Jill Duffield

Paula and Charles Ellsworth

Kristin and Aric Ellsworth

Nancy Weiland Erickson and Family

Jay Fetcher

Jaimi Findlay

Chris Fitzpatrick

Lora Flewelling

Jan and Edwin Gill

Glas Deffryn Ranch

Grassroots Outdoor Alliance

Gravel Worlds and the Pirate Cycling League

Kendra and Tim Gustafson

Lauren Hall

Maureen Harrington

Amy Hartlieb

Bradley Hasemeyer

Yuri Hauswald

Katelyn Hector

JR286 on behalf of Jonathan Hirshberg

Kathy and Brad Hoefer

Jack Hogan Charitable Foundation

Cindy and Jim Holton

Honey Stinger aka EN-R-G Foods LLC

Terry Huffington

The Irving Family

Nancy and Brian Jackson

Alesia Jacobsen

Becky, Greg, Haley and Jake Johnson

Evan Jones

Donald Jordan

Brian Joseph

Laura and Jamie Kain

Shannon Keesee

Ted King

Michael Kitson

Barbara and Bart Knaggs

Michelle Krogulski

Jill Layfield

GU Energy Labs

Brett Levitt

Mike Long

Jessica Lozano

Bryan Lund

Patagonia, Inc.

John Melican

James Michler

Kristi and Tim Mohn

Ellen Haahr Moore

Michelle Moore

Denise and Brent Whittington 

Carolyn Morris


Joanne Paveglio

G. Peterson

Andy Pfeifer

Kimberly Price

Primal Wear

Protect Our Winters

Mary Quigg

Peter Rajcani

Eliza Renz

Michael Richards

The Richeda Family

Cathy Ritter

Taylor Ross

Jessica Ruane

Lexie Sandvig

Amy Satkiewicz

Lenore Satkiewicz

Blair Seymour

Laura and Donald Shindler

Christopher Sias

Danielle and Mike Skov

Jeff Smallwood

David Smith

Sara and Jeff Snow

Colby Sprunk

Suzy Stone

Rosalie Summerill and Tom Baer

Sher Sutherland

Debbie and Michael Tebrich

Amy Thompson

Tom Zielinski 

TOMS Shoes

Bill and JoanTrukenbrod

Trukenbrod Family Foundation Fund 

Kay Tutak

Lori Vande Krol

Errin and Colin Vito

Louis Weiner

Carrie S. Williams

The Zeigert Family

Cherri Ziegler

D. Zielinski

Diane Zwiers

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists. If an error has been made, please contact the SSWSC Foundation office at 970.879.0695.  The SSWSC Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Federal Tax ID #74-2254732

We are happy to assist you in making your online donation.

The Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club and The Foundation, The Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club


PO Box 774487

Steamboat Springs, CO 80477


845 Howelsen Parkway

Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

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